
Showing posts from July, 2018
HOW TO BE HAPPY WITH YOURSELF ? We often get scared to be alone or feel bad when we are lonely..I used to feel the same thing every time when I was alone.Then I realise that I cannot always be with my family and friends all the time..There are few battles which we have to fight alone..However it doesn't mean that we feel bad about it.Finally I got some effective ways that worked for me to overcome my negative feelings.. 1.Acceptance:The most important way is to just accept the way we are..We always tend to be influenced by other people's opinion.We even start judging our self and compare our self with others..The fact is we cannot be like anyone and no one can be like us..We all are born unique and special.Its only that we fail to accept ourselves for who we are. 2.Not being judgemental:The time we stop judging ourselves as to who is thinking what about us..We get an inner freedom.I personally care about those people's thoughts,who are very close to me.No matter w...
LANGAUGE  Lnagauge si teh olyn awy ot commuincaet.Smoetimse ew spaek uor haert uot sitll ew cannto maek impatc .Wyh ti becoems os difficltu ot exlpain whta ew aer feeilng.Ti hurst whne evne a propre lnagauge cannto hepl peolpe ot commuincaet. The entire paragraph is incorrect and not even a single word is correct.However we can read and understand what is written.I understanded a very important thing in my life that.Expression,feeling and intonation can beat even the grammar and words in the language.I often feel two people with different language can communicate better than people speaking same language.It can only happen when we speak with humanity.Human expression & Human touch is something that any human can connect with.However it is reducing day by day..My only motive of this note is to share my experience that even I speak my heart out it always works for me..People connect more with emotion than any language..
                                  FRIEND Hugs you ...but not your life partner. Care for you ...but not your family. Shares your pain...but no blood relation. A true friend scolds like a Dad! Cares like a Mom! Irritates like a Sister! Teases like a Brother.... And finally loves you more than a lover...Always try to spend few seconds with your friend...even if you are busy..because one day you might get free time but you might not get your friends back..Love with not expectations because IT'S A FEEL NOT A DEAL.... No matter whenever you meet your friends you always feel happy...thats the essence of friendship...
Gudmorning everyone for the fresh start of the day..One challenge for the day... 1. At least make 3 people smile. 2.Spend the entire day with gratitude. 3.Forgive 1 person who hurted. 4.Spend few minutes in prayer. Believe Today is my day.Feel the happiness of walking with an invisible crown.
People often say that two girl cannot be best friend.However I got to know about true friends from my best friend & the prettiest girl on world MOHANA.I was going through a depression phase of my life when she actually stood beside me.Althought today we are different cities but still very close to each other.Mohana is very enthusiastic and jovial.I have actually seen very few people living their life.Often we are inside an invisible cage of fear,responsibility,relationship,carrier and list continues.To stand differently in the world of copy cat is often very rare.Her presence in my life is just like fresh air.A great friend in life can heal even the deepest pain in life