SIGNS(Reading People):

How to read people?90% of my friends also observed the same:

*People those who gossip about others infront of you will gossip about you infront of others.
*Be aware from the people who always speak negative,think negative or spread negativity all the time...They will make you negative as well.
*People those who always laugh or posts pictures in social media and always advice to be positive are normal sad and lonely.
*Never underestimate people those who are not great in academics or weak with emotions...they are the ones to evolve more successful then average people.
*If you have a friend who calls on your birthday or meet you in person.Keep calling you just to ask "How are you?"Congratulations you have a true friend.Even if the person is nagging keep a distance but be intouch...
*Always try to have a friend who reads alot..You learn alot without even knowing it..
*People who keep an eye contact during conversation are extremely confident.Try to be careful with confused people..they tend to confuse others as well.
*People who speak about ideas and dreams rather than people who gossip are genius don't loose them.
*Choose friends who have their own ideology rather than people who just follow the trend or simply dont know what they want in life.
*Having a person who scolds you in person is better than having a friend who makes fun of you infront of others.
*Sense of humour is the key to any healthy relationship.
*Dont judge others or dont look for validation...You are complete...You dont need someone to complete you..Love and respect yourself but dont be self centered...You may not be like someone but dont will hurt you more...

As I always say believe in yourself no matter whatever happens..You know yourself better than anyone else..

Take care...


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