THE BLEEDING INDIA: I am an INDIAN who is hurt and upset by the current situation of India.The Pulwama attack...The death of 44 Jawans without even a war...broke me..Today I am just here to express my feeling as an INDIAN.. Any country that is disturbing the harmony or threatening the peace of my country is our enemy..I am just a common citizen who is sick and tired of constant threat to National integrity...security...terror attacks.. It is not the 1st time that we are going through such situation..There are several incidence like 26/11.However I feel that we are getting used to such things so much that our enemy nation feels that they can do this again and again...but Why should we tolerate this every time...India is most democratic country of the world ..maybe so much that people who stay here started taking it for granted... It's not about religion..However if you are part of any country you have to respect the national integrity of that nation.If you demand rights y...